Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tyche, Giant Hidden Planet, May Exist In Our Solar System

We may have lost Pluto, but it looks like we might be getting Tyche.
Scientists may soon be able to prove the existence of the gas giant, which could be four times the size of Jupiter, according to astrophysicists John Matese and Daniel Whitmire from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. The two first proposed Tyche's existence in order to explain a change in path of comets entering the solar system, according to The Independent.
From the The Independent:
Tyche will almost certainly be made up mostly of hydrogen and helium and will probably have an atmosphere much like Jupiter's, with colourful spots and bands and clouds, Professor Whitmire said. "You'd also expect it to have moons. All the outer planets have them," he added.
For a graphical representation of Tyche, click here.
So how could we have missed such a massive planet in our own solar system?
Well, it's 15,000 times further from the sun than Earth, according to Gizmodo. Tyche (if it does exist) lies in the Oort cloud, the outer shell of asteroids in our solar system.
Despite what the scientists believe they will find in the data (which will be released in April and was collected by NASA Wise space telescope), there is at least one flaw in their theory. Theoretically, a planet of Tyche's size should seriously disturb comets in the inner Oort Cloud, but that effect is yet to have been observed, according to The Independent.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Baron Davis abducted by aliens? NBA Star talks about abduction and examination by human like creatures.

Davis told the story, then the following day he realized the media storm it had caused and he then said "it was a joke", but if you hear his original story, it did not sound like a joke at all.

Baron Davis: I Was Abducted By Aliens

The former New York Knicks player said the abduction occurred “like two weeks ago” in an interview on “The Champs Podcast” on July 11.
Thankfully, Baron went into intense detail describing his Twilight Zone-esque experience. “I was, um, on my way from Vegas here to LA,” the baller explained. “I’m a little tired and s**t, I see this light and I think it’s a big-ass truck.”
It was not a big-ass truck, according to Baron. “Then next thing you know, dude, like, I was in this f***ing steel thing.” Baron continues, saying that he was suddenly surrounded by “these f***ing crazy-looking people” who were “half-human, half, like, f***ing ugly motherf***er.” How funny — those are our favorite kind of aliens!

Baron Davis: Does He Really Think He Got Abducted By Aliens?

“The Champs” hosts Neal Brennan and Moshe Kasher pushed Baron on the story, telling him, “We don’t know if you’re being serious or not.”
“They were poking me on my nose and they were, like, looking me in my eyes,” Baron responded. “They had my hands like, tied up and the next thing you know, I was f***ing in Montebello, dude, burning rubber on the way back to LA. It was like four o’clock in the morning.”
The NBA star finished his story explaining how the experience — or whatever you wanna call it — changed him: “I come back and I’m like, sharper and s**t. I’m retaining information.”
Baron has since gone back on his oddly detailed abduction account, tweeting “that alien thing is a joke,” on July 12, but who knows, maybe he’s just embarrassed now. Because he really seemed convinced that something happened to him.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Roswell UFO Festival 2013

For some people in Southeastern New Mexico, this 4th of July is all about aliens.

The annual UFO Festival starts Thursday in Roswell.

Wednesday, downtown Roswell transformed into an amusement park.

“I'm really excited about this year," said Joe Vargas, an organizer of the festival.  “Every year it seems to get bigger and better.”

It’s all for the annual UFO Festival.  People from across the country descend on Roswell.  Joe Vargas said the hotels are already filling up.

“We've heard that they're starting to get full," said Vargas.

The festival starts with the carnival tomorrow, but the main event is Friday.  People will be in town to share their accounts of the UFO that allegedly landed outside Roswell in 1947.

"I started the investigation as a skeptic, I came away now 99% convinced it did happen," said Don Schmitt, a UFO investigator.

Schmitt is in town from Chicago.